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Maggie Kang, MD 


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I want to share a poem that has helped me on my mom journey, and I hope it helps you. I had a conversation this week with a client that reminded me of a poem I love, Ithaka by Cavafy. Her son was returning to school after another long surgery, and the road ahead felt […]

Ithaka’s Secret: What You Need to Know About Your Journey as Moms

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A Mom’s Struggle to Move Past Comparison     When my daughter was diagnosed with a rare disease in the fourth grade, she had to miss months of school, and it was one of the hardest times our family ever faced. But the challenges didn’t stop when she returned. Getting back into the rhythm of […]

How to Move Past Comparison: Start Living Your Life

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Learn the most important thing to do in the wake of your child's diagnosis

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Life healthcare coach |
Speaker | Rare disease advocate | Physician

Maggie Kang, MD

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Enter your email here, and I’ll share the answer in a PDF "The Most Important Thing To Do After Your Child's Diagnosis."

c) Prioritize your emotional and mental well-being

b) Make sure your child is protected from knowing anything until you figure it all out.

a) Research everything about your child's disease

What's the most important thing to do in the wake of your child's diagnosis?

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