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Maggie Kang, MD 


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Did you know that nearly 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. are caregivers for a loved one? That’s roughly 53 million people shouldering the responsibility of providing care for a child, spouse, or aging parent. While caregiving can be deeply rewarding, it often comes with the heavy burden of guilt. You might find yourself feeling guilty for needing a […]

4 strategies for managing caregiver guilt

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anti-inflammatory foods 

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Learn the most important thing to do in the wake of your child's diagnosis

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Life healthcare coach |
Speaker | Rare disease advocate | Physician

Maggie Kang, MD

What's the most important thing to do in the wake of your child's diagnosis?

Enter your email here, and I’ll share the answer in a PDF "The Most Important Thing To Do After Your Child's Diagnosis."

a) Research everything about your child's disease

c) Prioritize your emotional and mental well-being

b) Make sure your child is protected from knowing anything until you figure it all out.

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