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Maggie Kang, MD 


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Healing with Turkey Bone Broth – An Anti-Inflammatory Powerhouse Introduction As the holiday season winds down, don’t toss those turkey bones! Instead, transform them into a nutrient-packed turkey bone broth that supports your health and wellness. Bone broth is not only comforting but also rich in anti-inflammatory compounds, making it a perfect addition to an […]

Healing Turkey Bone Broth

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Learn the most important thing to do in the wake of your child's diagnosis

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Life healthcare coach |
Speaker | Rare disease advocate | Physician

Maggie Kang, MD

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c) Prioritize your emotional and mental well-being

b) Make sure your child is protected from knowing anything until you figure it all out.

a) Research everything about your child's disease

What's the most important thing to do in the wake of your child's diagnosis?

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