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I'm Maggie Kang, MD —physician mom of a kid with a rare disease
and Certified Life Coach.  

 My new narrative:

A physician mom who worries less, is enough, and who now has the ability to leverage her newfound wisdom to support herself and her family, while helping other moms through her coaching practice.

Are you a mom of a kid with chronic needs
(medical condition or emotional struggles)
who constantly worries and doesn't feel like you're doing enough?
I get it. That was me.

I got tired of that narrative and decided to create a better one.
I'm here to help you do the same.


You choose  your best narrative.

Here's your opportunity to initiate real change in your life. 

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. - Lao-tzu

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Life coach | Speaker | Rare disease advocate | Physician

Maggie Kang, MD